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Showing posts from November, 2016

Demonetisation: 'Inconvenience' is the new buzzword!

Within days of PM Modi announcing cessation of INR 500, and 1000 notes as legal tenders, politicians and media persons from every nook and cranny of our vast country got busy in to letting us know, how we have been subjected to great ‘inconvenience’ by the PM! True, we have had to wait outside banks for long hours, we have had to forego some of our shopping plans, we have had to go for austerity in family celebrations et al. So, they are factually right. We have been ‘inconvenienced’! Then, why did PM Modi did it? Does he stand to gain (politically) by ‘inconveniencing’ people? At best, it may turn people against him, then, why did he do it? When I started thinking around these questions, another question popped up in my mind – is he the first PM to put his countrymen in to ‘inconvenience’? Confused? Seek guidance from history! And, that’s what I did. I found plethora of examples when great leaders of India have resorted to measures wherein ‘inconvenience’ of people was n

How I am fighting against diabetes!

Coming straight to the point, without taking any medicines, from HbA1C of 8.5 to 6.3 to 5.7;  and, still onto lowering it further! First and foremost : Cut your Sugar intake to zero. Zero means zero. Absolutely zero. By Sugar, I am referring to white (or some times brown) crystalline form of Sugar that is prepared in Sugar mills. Not only do we consume it in raw form (adding raw Sugar with our own hands in to our tea, milk, coffee, shakes, sweets, and what not), it is available as an ingredient in many many foods being sold as prepared items at shops and packaged foods. Be vigilant, read the label, ask the chef, or what ever... just do not eat any food with Sugar in it. Second , do not go for sugar substitutes like Aspertame etc.. Strictly No! Third , do not take any packaged drink with either (White) Sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup as ingredient. Fourth , go low on carbohydrates. Do not be dependent on wheat and rice for your energy. I know this one is like... what are you